Dr Diana Hastrich | Breast Surgeon Perth
Our Breast Cancer Team Approach
Dr Diana Hastrich | Perth Breast Surgeon
Who is involved in my treatment journey?
Many people are involved in your treatment journey. You will often already have met the expert team at the Perth Radiology Clinic before coming to my consulting rooms. When I review GP referrals, I look at the appointments that need priority and if more information is needed before your appointment, I try to obtain it. The goal is to give you the best advice when you come for your first consultation. Our front desk team (Melànie and Anne) will have spoken to you to arrange your appointments.
If you are coming in for cancer surgery, you will meet our wonderful Breast Nurse Jenna. We will also help you with the formalities around your hospital admission and this is often done online.
On the morning of you surgery you may have two typical procedures planned:
- An X-Ray localisation for impalpable lesions.
- A sentinel nuclear medicine scan to identify the sentinel node.
If you are booked for these procedures, my team and I will make sure you understand these steps, as we prepare you for your surgery.
Our Breast Nurse Jenna, and our theatre and ward nursing staff, all have long experience with this type of surgery. They will make sure you have a comfortable stay. We also have a home nursing service that provides follow-up care after you go home. This is particularly useful if you are discharged with drain tubes.
About the Perth Breast Clinic
From diagnosis to treatment, you can count on our multidisciplinary approach, to save time and to make sure that everyone is on the same page. Another important player in this approach is the Perth Breast Clinic at Mount Hospital. More than 25 years ago, a small group of surgeons started it, together with the very early breast physicians and the in-house providers of diagnostic services. The reason to launch the clinic was to facilitate timely assessment and treatment. The Perth Breast Clinic rapidly became an important partner for the GPs, to organise the ‘triple test’ or the triple assessment. The clinic was the first of its kind in Perth and one of the very early comprehensive clinics in Australia.
When I arrived at Mount Hospital in Perth in 1996, I immediately became involved with the Breast Clinic, and I have assisted with the training and support of the breast physicians and breast nurses.
The Breast Clinic has gone from strength to strength and offers services for diagnosis, followup of cancer survivors and surveillance for high risk women. If you are diagnosed through the Breast Clinic, you would usually be referred to the breast surgeons at Mount Hospital for treatment.
Why a personal treatment plan matters
In breast cancer management, a personal treatment plan is essential. Your cancer has a particular biology, and it needs targeted therapy, not a one-size-fits-all treatment approach. As your breast specialist, I aim for the best possible outcome, providing quality care and mindful of the negative impact of some treatments.
As a team, we always have a balance to be considered. We don’t want to overtreat unnecessarily but we also need to recognise that some cancers are high risk and they need more aggressive treatment.

What happens after the initial treatment?
After your surgery and your adjuvant treatments, we are here for you in the follow-up phase. Your team of various specialists checks how well you are recovering from treatment, and monitors the possible side effects. You will usually see me again 12 months after your surgery for a clinical check and to discuss the appropriate breast imaging.
Of course if you are concerned by any new symptom or problem, we would be happy to see you earlier. We now use a more flexible approach to follow-up. As time goes by, these check-up visits will be less frequent, especially if you are well and have no specific problems.