Dr Diana Hastrich | Perth Breast Surgeon

Who should I refer for an opinion or further investigation?

If you are a GP and your patients require help from a breast specialist, I am happy to receive referrals to:

  • Arrange surgery and a treatment plan for women with diagnosed cancers.
  • Arrange further investigation for patients with atypical or discordant findings after the triple test.
  • Discuss surgery for women with a benign lesion who wish to have it excised.
  • Provide advice about breast cancer risk assessment including genetic testing for women with a significant family history of breast cancer or other high risk factors.
  • Provide advice and surgical planning for women considering risk reducing prophylactic surgery.

How to help your patients to get the most out their referral

If you plan to refer your patient to my practice, I would appreciate if you could include as much information as possible:

  • Patient contact details including date of birth, phone numbers and email address if available.
  • Copies of any recent radiology reports including feedback from BreastScreen WA.
  • Copies of any pathology reports of FNAs or core biopsies.
  • Background medical information such as letters from other specialists in case of significant medical comorbidities.

How do we help your patients?

You can rest assured that I personally review your referral, to triage and prioritise the patient appointments. The aim is to give your patient the most timely and best advice when they come to their consultation.

I will also arrange any further investigation required to obtain a clear diagnosis and I will organise follow-up imaging.

Breast Surgery Perth - Dr Diana Hastrich
Dr Diana Hastrich, Breast Surgeon Perth

Referral procedures and forms